[ INDO EVENT INFO ] ( USA Noise ) KIRAN ARORA Tour Indonesia in November 2017

this time a one man in USA noise scene will do long tour during november 2017 in indonesia, tour itself will start from java island, kalimantan & will end in bali island. this DIY tour is handled by friends from JOGJA NOISE BOMBING club which this club is the first to bring the noise music genre into Indonesia, several times the club held a musical event noise with local to international scale, even their frontman is menus had time doing a tour to dutch country & a few weeks ago also tour to south korea country. according to the info I got from menus, he will also write a book about the scene noise movement in Indonesia and other countries he has visited, all the research he wrote & did will be summarized in a book. for any information about tour band noise KIRAN ARORA in indonesia or skena JOGJA NOISE BOMBING or about YK Booking you guys can send a question on facebook Indra Menus.