Kudus Video Forensic # 2, dissecting the movie is not a trend


A few weeks ago we did an event that is Kudus Video Forensic # 2 which on this occasion dissect about the film Metal A headbangers Journey, a documentary from sam dunn about metal and its genealogy which I think has been successfully translated by the director very well. The film show itself is actually done in a sudden because it is still in the atmosphere of ramadhan & it turns out the animo from fellow activists metal scene and metalhead who came also very good, the film show itself is not only attended by the metalhead of the kudus city but there are also Some coming from out of kudus town.
Actually this is a very good movement event for metal lover or metalhead, not just about playing music but can also be interpreted as a gathering event for fellow metal music lovers. Maybe this kind of event is not too familiar if done in a small town with a very small scena, in contrast to similar events that are commonly done by friends from big cities with a large scena of course. From fellow organizers may think that this kind of event will start from each other & continue to one scene friends, although in reality many friends who still do not understand or have not been interested in activities such as video playback or Smelling sharing, many of my friends are only interested in the term "just music" & are not so interested in all sorts of movements behind the music they love so much.
The event itself was conducted at Warung Seni Joglo Sawah, where the location is a restaurant and gathering place of art activists from various media, for the future fellow activists Kudus Video Forensic have agreed to be more intense in organizing this activity. Thank you for reading & enjoying my BlogTube, hopefully the future of all content will be presented better than now. Stay healthy & aaarrghhh !!!
Thanks to all the team who have been supporting Kudus Video Forensic event, thanks for all crew Kudus Video Forensic, Kudus Hardcore & all metalhead that has come when the event took place.

For all the info & activities we do, you can contact through my personal FB : Guntur Skacore