In my writing this time, I will discuss about a community that I think is worth to my review, in terms of existence and in terms of the work I think they have shown the movement in their field, they are a group of youth who have a unique hobby that is lowrider bike. About what & how are they, I managed to do a question and answer with my old friend the brother bowo, he is one of the lowrider kudus frontman and also the music lovers of punk, let's follow my question with brother bowo
Can be told the origin of the formation of lowrider
bicycle community in this kudus
city ?
city ?
The beginning of the establishment of the kudus
lowrider bike community around 2015, I think before that year already exist but
only run independently, but all gathered to be a community around that year.
First the community name lowrider kudus is SUCK (sepeda unik community kudus)
which to my knowledge the community was initiated by Aryuanda a.k.a landak
& brother Qemek, just then enter brother imam artando & ziyan al anjab
which is then accompanied by the entry of many lowrider bicycle lovers from all
Over the kudus city until finally the problem of our name merged into lowrider
kudus only
So who do you think is the first to initiate the
holy lowrider community to exist today ?
Lowrider kudus increasingly existed since initiated
by brother imam artando & ziyan al anjab, all can be one in one shade that
is lowrider kudus, before that all still running alone either that is in the
middle of town and also lovers of lowrider bikes that are located in kudus town
I am curious about the activities of the lowrider kudus
bike activists
For the activities I think a lot of we have done as
a community, for example we have an event program that we do every few months
that is "clean kudus", in the event we do clean-up activities not
only to traffic signs but also places of worship , Which we have done a few
weeks ago we did a clean-up event & collaborated with friends from the
band's base fans Superman Is Dead OutSider kudus city
As a lowrider bike community do you guys also often
make an exhibition event related to lowrider bikes ?
For the event we usually make every year, like last
year we also make a lowrider contest plus anniversary event from our community,
and we are proud because in every event that we held is able to bring interest
contest participant from all java island, even cool team of class of Garage
Kustom Jogjakarta also contribute to enliven the event by lowering his champion
in the event that we held
Is there any event that you think is the most
memorable you ever follow ?
The most memorable contest we have ever attended may
be a contest in a big event that is KUSTOMFEST JOGJA, all lovers of modification
motor art, car and even lowrider bikes must have been on know with what &
how the event, I think it is a local event that has received recognition From
world-class builders. Incidentally in the lowrider contest in KUSTOMFEST
national classy & essentially we also want to show that from kudus city we
can have a masterpiece equivalent to lowrider builder from big cities
What impression do you catch in climate between
bicycle community in kudus city, is it mutual support or how ?
I think the bike community within the kudus city
support each other, even though we are not cyclists in the sports category, all
remain in a healthy context, but we put more emphasis on the art side in
introducing the lowrider bikes we ride, so to my knowledge many like the shape
of the lowrider bikes, But still in the extent of admiring not for the sense of
I also want to know, whether there is a separate
message you want to convey through the movement of this lowrider bike ?
Once again we emphasize that we are not just
cycling, we want to convey to the public that through bicycle we all can also
express ourselves into the custom art of culture that is lowrider
The community of lowrider bikes abroad and indonesian country synonymous with the music, what about lowrider kudus, do you guys
also play music or many are invited cooperation by the music players or band ?
Lowrider community is very closely related to music,
abroad have many video clips famous bands that use lowrider bikes as an icon in
their work, in Indonesia itself is also very much & I know one of them the
drummer of the band Superman Is Dead is Jerinx , He often brought lowrider
bikes in every stage action, for local we are also usually invited to
participate in the cultivation of several video clips, so lowrider bikes I
think not only as a sweetener but has art that can talk more deeply with
various media
Have the furthest touring experience ?
The furthest touring ever done by brother Tri
Heryanto, he climbed the lowrider bikes until the city of Jakarta & malang
Do you have a girl member ?
We happen to have a girl member, hopefully will have
more girl members for the future, let us who have not have a boyfriend can have
a girlfriend lowrider girlfriend, dream! Hhahahhaaa
Is there any message you want to convey to the
lowrider bikers both locally and internationally, considering this blogspot
already has an exciting airing rating for international scale
For messages may let us keep the cohesiveness as
fellow art lovers in lowrider bicycle media, if possible let us create a medium
to get to each other news about the activities of lowrider bikers & also if
we can hold a gathering with a national scale, for the local scope Maybe only a
few activists who are active in the art of lowrider bicycle, different from
overseas which is already advanced & become a reference for us. For the
organizers of the lowrider bike contest must also have clear regulation, not to
confuse the contest participants & should be used for all classes.
Thanks bro
for the chat, may lowrider kds can progress in the art of lowrider bikes both
at local and international level
Thanks also have contributed to introduce us
lowrider bicycle art lovers from kudus city, hopefully more advanced & more
interesting for content in this blogspot
A very interesting conversation with my colleague who is
also a lowrider bike art activist, I myself see them not only from the side as
a cyclist, but as a symbol of a movement & art that they translate via
bicycle media. Thank you for taking the time to read my writing, to meet again
with the content of my writing and my next video. For info about the lowrider
bicycle lovers in the kudus city, you can click FaceBook : bowo tarra budiman