some time ago I had the opportunity to make a holy journey for all Muslims around the world, the journey is to the land of ALLAH SWT in saudi arab country & precisely in madinah city & mecca. the journey from indonesia to saudi arabia takes about 9 hours 30 minutes crossing the country of india & srilanka, the plane itself performs the flight in average speed 950 km/h with altitude flying over 11 thousand meters.
for those who are not accustomed to traveling long distances by plane may be very tiring, but in the plane we are also treated to a variety of entertainment provided through the entertainment screen that is in each seat.
from Indonesia plane landed in the city of madina, where when the plane landed the day was late at around 21:00 pm local time (time in saudi arabia more than 4 hours from Indonesia), it turns out the weather is also entering the winter for the city of madina with the weather range 18 degrees celcius, I have to adapt to the temperature in the city of madina which I think is very cold because I myself live in a country with a tropical climate that rarely has a cold weather climate & tend to heat.
after doing the screening process from the airport immigration we continue the journey to the hotel which is right in the middle of the city of madina & precisely located to the west entrance of mosque nabawi, in this city we are given opportunity for 3 days to stay.
Nabawi Mosque itself is a very historic mosque for all Muslims around the earth, where in this mosque there is a tomb of Prophet Mohammed and his 2 companions umar bin khattab & abu bakar sidiq. in this mosque there is a location called 'Raudhah' which is believed to be a special place for Muslims who used to pray & prayer will be granted, every day thousands of Muslims from all over the world crowded the mosque nabawi area to do the worship together & praying in the tomb area of the Prophet Muhammad rasullullah SAW.
the mausoleum of the Prophet Muhammad himself is decorated with ornaments of real gold & always guarded by the guards called ascar, I myself almost always struggle when I want to pray in front of the entrance of the tomb of Prophet Muhammad SAW, thousands of people packed the place where I stand & they also have a purpose with me.

in addition to pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad SAW many of the pilgrims who take advantage of leisure time to go souvenir shopping from a market located in the south of the mosque nabawi, which is sold very diverse from clothes to fruits, but bought by the tourists almost uniform namely chocolate candy & various qurma.

My next trip follows a city tour to a qurma plantation as well as the biggest qurma market in the city of madina, but when I go there the qurma season has just ended & just just look around while shopping at the qurma market.
on the next day I visited a mosque which is also very historic for the development of the Islamic ummah, the name of the mosque is quba mosque, quba mosque is mosque which was first built by prophet muhammad in madinah city, same as other location, around quba mosque also filled with traders who peddle merchandise, had an unpleasant experience when visiting this quba mosque, some traders forced me to buy his wares with great force.
from my quba mosque shifted to a mountain called jabal tsur, in this mountains there is a cave that is at the top of the mountain is cave tsur, according to the story explained by the guide is in ancient times when the prophet muhammad and abu bakar RA pursued by the kafir quraisy they both take refuge in the cave above this mountain, they take cover for three days and three nights while setting the strategy, so cs tsur is witness history of struggle propagation of Islam from Prophet Muhammad along with abu bakar RA.
the next day I visited jabal rahmah, jabal rahmah interpreted as jabal is a mountain or hill & rahmah is affection, jabal rahmah is a hill on which already built a kind of monument & this place is believed by many parties as meeting place of prophet adam with hawa, after satisfied around jabal rahmah I left the location to see the location of the lodge during the hajj season in the area of mina.
from the city of madinah I went along with the entourage to the city of Mecca, the journey from the city of madinaah to the city of mecca taken for 6 hours by road trip by bus, along the way the scenery that I capture is a very wide desert with landscape hills or mountains.
after all the group arrived in the city of mecca we rushed to one of the hotels that happened to the hotel is right in front of mosque masjidil haram, the series of worship we continue that is 'tawaf' spin around ka'ba followed by sa'i worship that surround hill shafa & marwa.
I was in the city of Mecca for 4 days to perform various kinds of religious umroh worship according to the religion of Islam, besides I also do various activities such as city tour to the cave of hira & uhud mountains, it should be noted that cave hira is a place where the first revelation was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. a few days in the city of madina & mecca is very impressive, where I can every day gather with thousands of Muslims from various parts of the world to do the same activities, I myself am very surprised with the climate in saudi arabia, although many deserts & mountains are barren but the weather can be very cold, a very memorable spiritual experience for me personally & God willing I will be facilitated to be able to visit back to the land of ALLAH SWT.