One afternoon my phone vibrated the sign of an incoming message, it turns out a message from my friend that is yunus (bassist Against Ignorance & Innocent Voice Band), immediately I read the incoming message on my mobile screen & the contents are really amazing that is the invitation to nostalgia with console Old game NINTENDO NES series. Without waiting for a long time I was immediately drove to his house & together for nostalgic with the old NINTENDO console.
Game enthusiasts who were born in the early 1980s to 1990 must have felt playing games with the NINTENDO game console, which was the year of glory of the NINTENDO console & in Indonesia itself the NINTENDO console was classified as a very fancy game box, not much People who have it.
Suddenly I want to write content about NINTENDO & maybe according to the literature I will write a little bit about game console who ever became king in the world of gamers, several years NINTENDO have to compete with ATARI & SEGA, but in fact NINTENDO is still too strong to be defeated competitors, I think the thinkers in the factory NINTENDO actually very interest with the technology in the world of the latest games & it is evidenced by always updating game technology from ancient times until today. Until sometime in 1994 NINTENDO had to admit a little surrender when the birth of the console era PLAY STATION who quickly mastered the world of games with the best marketing.
Before becoming famous as a manufacturer of game consoles, NINTENDO was first established as a playing card company called "hanafuda" by fusajiro yamauchi in 1889 in kyoto japan, after many years as a game card maker, finally in 1974 NINTENDO gained the right to Distributed the video game console Magnavox Odyssey which in that year was the era of video games game transfer from the American market to the country of japan. In 1975 NINTENDO re-expanded its technological wing by creating an arcade game designed by their designer Genyo Takeda, a wide variety of game series created by NINTENDO dominating the commercial video game market from Asia, Europe and America, some of which are booming games Mario bros & donkey kong.
In 1980 NINTENDO again made a breakthrough with the release of a handheld game or game watch, first officially released a game titled "ball" & game watch is also distributed to the world market, the design of portable LCD calculator is finally getting recognition from the gamers Around the world until finally the patent from NINTENDO received an award in the form of technology & ammy award engineering. In 1983 Nintendo re-evolved by releasing a video game family computer (famicom) japan & in 1985 explosion games from NINTENDO increasingly unstoppable with the birth of the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) genre that makes the game mario bros as a game that is in demand Throughout history.
Which I know & circulated in Indonesia NINTENDO first fluttered throughout with NES console Nintendo Entertainment System, after which gave birth Super NINTENDO which this genre was forced to fight head to head with games made SEGA, then continued with NINTENDO 64 which This genre can be paralleled with the PS 1, after which NINTENDO issued Game Cube that forwarded with genre Wii & Wii U, for now the factory NINTENDO also issued the most recent series of NINTENDO Switch which in Indonesia can now be purchased at a price above 6 million.
Although the current trend of gamers the world is crazy with a variety of technologies, but the existence of the old game console can be said to be excellent for the connoisseurs who want to nostalgic, now can be seen from the forum buying and selling old game console, the price of old game console such as ATARI, SEGA & NINTENDO increasingly rising, let alone the existence of the goods are also increasingly rare. Many of the overseas gamers are also hunting for old game consoles in india through online forums, most of the overseas gamers looking for consoles that can still walk because they buy indeed to be played not for their console collected.
It's possible for you old-time gamers to start looking for old Nintendo consoles to just plays as nostalgia & collectibles, I myself currently have a wish to join the SEGA game console hunt as I want to try again playing the original Sonic The Hedgehog game. Okay so many posts from me about the game console NINTENDO, maybe next time I will try a review of friends who have the old game console still collected, thank you for visiting & see you yeaahh !.