Kudus Video Forensic #1, Launching Video Clip Kudus MetalCore band INNOCENT VOICE @JogLo Sawah 2016

This is a review of the last year of 2016, in which we held the first Kudus Video Forensic show, the Kudus Video Forensic itself was held with the aim of providing facilities for the performers of music art or those who have a hobby with documentaries about music, event content can be done with video clip playback for bands coming from kudus city or other city, can also about film surgery with film which have been chosen by team with aim to progress for development of music scene in kudus city, or can also playback About a documentary film which is all accompanied by a discussion. we have chosen a place we have set up as a headquarters for Kudus Video Forensic's Warung Seni Joglo Sawah, a site that is devoted as an event to hold various works of art with various media besides functioning as a restaurant. For the inaugural event Kudus Video Forensic we do a video clip launching event from metalcore band from kudus city that is INNOCENT VOICE, the show itself is lively even though that come not as much as music show & we from the team of Kudus Video Forensic also realize that interest from music lovers To come in an event like the screening of the movie along with the discussion is not so good or can also be said not so familiar. Hopefully the future we can continue to hold the show Kudus Video Forensic & provide additional little alternative discourse for the music lovers and indie movie lovers in the kudus city or the audience from the surrounding city. Happy reading & viewing short videos I uploaded